2024-2025 Meeting and Event Calendar

Meetings are in-person but also provided by Zoom for members that cannot be present.

New members are always welcome! 

If you would like a courtesy invitation to attend selected Zoom meetings in order to learn more about us, please email club president Diane Bovenkamp (d_bovenkamp@yahoo.com) to request a Zoom link. 



Thursday, February 13

Board Meeting

Zoom Only!

Monthly Board Meeting. All are welcome to attend. The President will send out a Zoom link before the meeting.
Thursday, February 13


Zoom Only!

The Life of A. Aubrey Bodine Told by His Daughter
Jennifer will present an extensive introduction and exploration of the life of her dad--in photos, stories, anecdotes, and best of all, gossip! 
Thursday, February 20  Competition

Digital Competition - Theme: Architecture (A building, group of related buildings or other man-made structure such as a bridge or tower.  Both interiors and exteriors are permitted.  Images may be of the structure as a whole or a part of it). 

Judge: Vince Ferrari https://vincentferrari.photodeck.com

Thursday, February 27


Zoom Only!

 Lewis Katz presents The Myth of Style

This will be a virtual zoom only presentation.  In this presentation, Lewis will discuss how the photographer creates the Perspective through their creativity and the overall goal of the image. The viewer then proceeds to see the Perception that the photographer created. For more in-depth information about the presentation, visit Instruction — Lewis Katz Photography (under PERSPECTIVE AND PERCEPTION : THE MYTH OF STYLE)

The Myth of Style refers to the fact that we all need to carve our own path in creating our photography.  When I first joined the club over 20 years ago I was impressed with some of the work the members were creating.  But instead of creating my own path I tried to emulate the style of others, which proved to be a big mistake.

The program will be a bit on the informal side, with a lot of dialogue and questions throughout.

Thursday, March 6 Competition 
In-Person Only

 Print Competition - Members Judge competition

Associate Members to judge Unlimited Competition:  Linda Galati, Douglass Miller and Tom Blanpied. Unlimited Members to judge Associate Competition:  Tina Whitehead, Jim Eichelman, and Lewis Katz.

Thursday, March 13  Program  
Thursday, March 20 


Zoom Only

Digital Competition - Judge: Cynthia Keith
Thursday, March 27  Program  
Thursday, April 3 Competition 
In-Person Only
 Print Competition - Judge: Bill McAllen, mcallenphotography.com
Thursday, April 10


(In Person)

 Large Format Photography with Portrait Lenses

Presenter: Chris Peregoy  

Website https://chrisperegoy.com

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/chris.peregoy/

Camera Collection https://www.instagram.com/collectionofcameras/

Chris Peregoy is an artist who has been actively showing photographically derived art works for the past 40 years. Originally trained in traditional photographic practices, his current work crosses the boundaries between digital, traditional and primitive photography and marries digital image making with historic photographic processes and painting. His images deal with forgotten or imagined memories.

As a teacher and artist working in historic processes he has been interested in the cameras and lenses that early practitioners used to create their work. Much of his work has been exploring Pictorial Photography and printing processes from the late 1890’s through the 1920’s. Cameras from this era are relatively cheap but the lenses are expensive and hard to find. After retiring from UMBC in 2023 he started volunteering  at the UMBC Special Collections room at the Library helping them catalog donated photography equipment in their basement storage. He will be showing images of the special and unique pictorial lenses he has found and examples of portraits made with these lenses. Since working on this project he has been able to buy some examples of pictorial lenses that he will use to make some portraits after his talk.

Thursday, April 17  No Meeting  
Thursday, April 24  Competition

Digital Competition - Theme: Reflections (A photograph including an image in a reflective surface such as water, windows, mirrors, or anything with a shiny surface.  The image may or may not include the subject which is being reflected)

Judge:  Frank Gallagher, frankgallagherphotography.com

Thursday, May 1  Program  
Thursday, May 8 Competition 
In-Person Only
 Print Competition - Judge: Robert Creamer
Thursday, May 15  Program  
Thursday, May 22  Competition

Digital Competition - Judge: Tracey Brown, https://papercamera.com/

Thursday, May 29  Program  
 June   Summer Session Begins – Meetings Every Other Week
Saturday, June 7  Competition  End-of-Year Competition - Closed to Members
Thursday, June 12 Feedback Night Come share your feedback on making BCC better. Refreshments served.
Thursday, June 26  Program  
Thursday, Jul 10  Program  
Thursday, Jul 24  Program  
 Aug 1 New Club Year  Remember to pay your dues
Thursday, Aug 7  Program  
Thursday, Aug 21  Program  
Thursday, Sept 4 Welcome Back Night Presentation of the best images for 2024-2025 will take place. Join in on congratulating those who win trophies and those who win medals.

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