Membership / Dues Payment 2024-25

Step 1. Set-up/ Verify Visual Pursuits Account Information

New Members:

Setup Membership Account in Visual Pursuits software 


Existing Members:

Go to My Account/ My Account Settings and verify membership data


(1) Leave "Honors" and "Member ID" blank.  We do not use this information.

(2)  If desired, please provide information about yourself and your interests in photography in the comments section.

(3) All memberships are "Full, Competing Memberships"

(4) Under the Privacy setting, "Allow organization administrators to update your personal information" should be checked (it is checked by default - do not uncheck).  This is necessary to manage your account and to assist you in the future should you encounter problems.

Step 2. Complete the Release of Liability Form

Release of Liability Form

Send a signed copy of the Release of Liability Form by email to Jim Eichelman  (Treasurer),  Returning members do not need to resend the form if it is already on file.  If you are unsure whether the form is on file, please check with Jim Eichelman.

Step 3. Pay Dues

Membership fees are due August 1, 2024 at the start of the club year; $65.00 for individuals, and $75.00 for a joint membership of an active club member and one household member residing at the same address. 
After January 1, 2025, new members and returning members (not active since 2020/21 club year) join for half price - $32.50.   
Use the drop down menu on the PayPal button to choose the dues amount.
Pay Pal


By Check - Pay in person at any Thursday meeting; give checks to Jim Eichelman (Treasurer) or Diane Bovenkamp (President)

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